Officer Descriptions
The following list provides a brief overview of duties and tasks performed by officers. For more information about responsibilities, download overview of officer positions.
*Note: some responsibilities and titles may have changed since this document was produced. Ask!
​​Shall preside at all meetings of this chapter; shall act as chairperson of the Executive Council; and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The president shall generate and update the chapter mission statement and annual goals/objectives. The president shall appoint chairpersons for standing and temporary committees, and shall administer the business of this chapter between regular meetings, exercising authority consistent with the powers given in the bylaws.
Vice President
​​Shall perform the duties of the president in the event of his or her absence, disability or at the president's request. If the office of the president becomes vacant, the vice president will temporarily act as president of this chapter. The chapter membership will then nominate and vote on a permanent replacement for the president. Shall also be responsible for coordinating the semester calendar of events for the chapter. The vice president oversees the director of corporate relations, the director of finance and the director of student relations.
​​Shall take minutes of meetings, distribute meeting agenda and previous meeting minutes, circulate sign-in and sign-up sheets at meetings, make copies available of relevant announcements, scholarship forms, and any other materials for distribution at chapter meetings. The secretary shall also distribute all announcements, meeting agenda and minutes for chapter members through the listserv. The secretary oversees the director of communication, director of chapter information systems and director of SHRM Merit Awards.
​​​The treasurer has the responsibility for gathering, distributing and managing the chapter's funds. Sound chapter operations require the establishment of and adherence to realistic budgets. All officers should be informed of funds budgeted for chapter activities prior to planning for the year.
​Director of Community Relations & Development
​Shall pursue and organize community service projects and fund-raising events, and shall be responsible for recruiting and coordinating volunteers for chapter/university marketing/recruitment and retention programs.
​Director of Student Relations
​​​Shall welcome new and help retain existing members, recruit from HR classes, provide forms for joining SHRM National, and assist and mentor students in ways that enrich their chapter membership experience. Shall maintain graduated student database to which student information is transferred from the membership database to this alumni database and record graduating student job placement information, including (minimally) hiring company and position.
​Director of SHRM Merit Awards
​Shall advise, track and record how chapter activities fit national SHRM Merit Award guidelines. At least twice a semester, shall inform chapter on point totals, and shall submit the Student Chapter Merit Award application to SHRM National..